So…You Want to be an Art Critic?

So, you decided to be an art critic. You went to college and studied art history. You are a skilled writer and have spent a good deal of time familiarizing yourself with the art scene. You recognize there is a love-hate relationship between critics and artists and are ready to go willingly into the eye of the storm.

You are doing everything right. You are being patient. You are getting to know some art critics. In other words, you are emerging yourself and getting involved, visiting exhibits, interviewing unknown and semi-known artists and trying to get assignments at your local papers, but getting no takers. It will come, you keep telling yourself. However, all your articles written are in the trash.

And then it happens! You get an assignment from a rather obscure regional art magazine. Your assignment: Write a review on an exhibit of a new artist making inroads in a “new” art movement that is getting some “buzz” in the art world. Assume the year is 1913 and the artist you are going to critique is Kazimer Malevich. What are you going to write in your review when you critique his work: Black Square on a White Field?Kazimer Malevich Black Square on a White field

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