If You Have Three Eyes, You Must Be An Artist

This is information you can take straight to the bank.  Be sure to tell everybody it came from the art center.  But what does it mean?

Have you ever noticed a shimmering off the curvature of a drop of dew on a leaf in the early morning sunlight?  Did you stop in awe to concentrate on it?  Did it change hues as you moved about?  Were you fascinated by it?  If so, chances are, you are an artist.  You have something unique.  You have a third eye!  It is an eye that can split light like a prism.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an artist with canvass, palette and paint, or a photographer, or a movie director, or a connoisseur, critic, or collector, if you have the third eye, the discerning eye, then you are special.  You will be better at what you do.

This is our first blog post, but as time goes by, our passion at the art center is to pass on information that can be beneficial to you.  Hopefully, you will come back and be involved.

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