Are You Looking For A Good Model? Look In The Mirror!

If you need a model and can’t afford one, be your own.  That’s right, be your own model.  Artists have been using mirror studies as long as paint has hit the canvas.  You may make small changes in the facial features, hands, feet, and otherwise as you wish.  However, you still have a model as a reference.

I would recommend you use this as swiftly drawn charcoal studies since a full painting would be too cumbersome.  However, you should get all the reference you need to create a work of art.  You need two full size mirrors to pull this off accurately to get the eye level and image arrangements of both side and back views.

This can be fun, especially if costumes are involved.   While shopping at a thrift store or costume shop you might just find the perfect prop to make your picture unique.  Try it, you might like it.

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