Some Favorite Paintings From the Family Gallery

The blog of the day is re-posting some of my family’s favorite pics. One of my personal favorite painting of mine is “The Winter Farm.” A watercolor that I painted some time ago.

"The Winter Farm"
R. D. Burton: "The Winter Farm"

I think the reason I prefer this painting to many of my other pieces is because it makes me feel serene looking at it.

I was trying something different here…trying to get a loose feeling in my art since I am so critical of myself being more realistic and less abstract.

Since the only painting I have of my father’s work is “Signal Peak”, then it has to be my favorite work of his. However, the reason I even have the painting is because I told him it was my favorite. It was and it is.

"Signal Peak"
Arlen Burton, oil on canvas: "Signal Peak"




Again, I can’t say enough about this painting. Since I now no longer live in the dry climate of Southeast part of New Mexico, I have nostalgic feelings about the picture. There is a beautiful waterfall in the mountain known as Sitting Bull Falls. It was one of my favorite places to visit and relax as a young person.

Olivia: unknown
Olivia: unknown



To the left is a picture by my grand-daughter, Olivia.

This is the only work of hers that I have, so it has to be my favorite. I do not know if she has named it yet, but I’m proud of her talent. Her other grandfather has tremendous art talent as well, so I’m afraid she had no choice. She must be an artist. I have no pictures of her grand-father’s work or I would present it.

Then, of course, if you follow my blog posts, you know I’m extremely proud of my brother’s art. Lynn has been painting, exhibiting and selling his work for years. He’s always studying and trying new styles and techniques. I believe he is like me, he likes all good art and wants to give everything a try.

Lynn Burton: "Adam and Eve"
Lynn Burton: "Adam and Eve"

Although his painting, “Adam and Eve” is his latest, I’m considering it one of my favorites because the composition is such a change from many of his works. However, the choice is hard when I study the painting, “The Parrots”. Maybe it is the use of the opposing colors–green and red–that I like.

Lynn Burton: Parrots
Lynn Burton: Parrots



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