The Exciting and Challenging World of Watercolor

If you are an artist that has not yet attempted painting with watercolor, then I encourage you to hop aboard and try it. All that lies ahead is great adventures and excitement. It’s almost like piloting a one engine plane…nothing helps but a thorough knowledge of the mechanics of the craft. I’ve found watercolor an exciting and challenging way of painting. I’m sure you’ll find it so.

Painting: Winter Kindling
R. D. Burton: Winter Kindling


Exciting because watercolor has an “action” all its own. Sometimes this action is erratic and unforgivable. But this is where the excitement comes is unforgivable. It moves, it wanders, it crawls and creeps, and it fights back.



R.D.Burton: "Woman In The Field" (watercolor)
R.D.Burton: “Woman In The Field” (watercolor)


Challenging to see how much of this dark behavior we can learn to master, guide, and control through the hard but fun work of finding out what makes this medium tick.

Ah, it’s a tricky medium, watercolor. However, once you have learned the techniques, fundamentals, and mechanics of this elusive love then you can proudly say that you did it. However, if you’re afraid to try, remember that you can read forever about how to ride a bicycle, but you learn only by trying the machine itself.

I challenge you to go for it. You have to get the feel of it. It’s a wonderfully exciting bumpy trip.

"The Winter Farm"
R.D.Burton: “The Winter Farm” (watercolor)
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