Important Tips to Control the “Impact Area”

Lynn Burton: Untitled (oil on canvas)
Lynn Burton: Untitled (oil on canvas)

Having an area of interest is essential~Lynn Burton

The area that attracts the viewers eye to a work of art, is something called the “focal point” or center of interest. Having an area that an artist places emphasis in their work is most important to create a work of art, rather than a picture. A picture usually has areas of details throughout, but a painting should have areas that are more important that will capture the viewers first gaze.

Important tips: 

  1. Don’t place area of emphasis too close to the edge. It is more safe for the composition to be off to one of the sides of center – up or down. If you place the impact area in the center, it may make the painting look symmetrical or static; although, it sometimes works.
  2. Color and placement create the path the viewers eyes will follow. Be bold when painting the impact area.
  3. The use of bright color, color change, and value contrast are important for an artist to capture.
  4. Check for proper use of edges, detail, and directional shapes.




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