Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Photograph of artist posing for future painting
Photograph of artist posing for future painting

Artists have been using mirror studies as long as paint has hit the canvas. That’s right, you can be your own model, especially if you can’t afford to pay for one. Of course, you can make small changes in the facial features, hands, feet and otherwise as you desire. But the important thing is that you have a model as a reference.

Drawing study for future watercolor
Drawing study for future watercolor

I recommend when using yourself as a model while looking in the mirror, that you swiftly draw a charcoal study since a full painting would be too cumbersome. If you do this be sure to get all the reference you need to create a work of art. When using the mirror technique, you need two full size mirrors to pull this off accurately to get the eye level and image arrangements of both side and back views. If you need costumes shopping at a thrift store just might be a suggestion. You might find the perfect prop to make your picture unique.

Often, I use posed photographs of myself to get a certain body language as seen in the photo and the drawing above. It works for me.

Preliminary drawing for a watercolor painting
Preliminary drawing for a watercolor painting




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